Sunday, May 20, 2007

It's official another boring day has past and i am still down with the sore throat and can imagine the pain everytime i sneeze. Today this dude i added on friendster told me i had the same frame as him and then he asked me who i was and i said i was the ghost christmas past...still no reply...

During Catehism joel, my cat class teacher, told us this story from his exprience. He said once he was coming back from clubbing with his two frens then they got into this taxi with this really sick taxi driver...he said that he tried every race in singapore and i was sicked out i mean who goes around doing thing is that he has this weird contraceptive method..he uses a condom than put tiger oil over the whole thing than he puts another layer...then he knows when tot change it when he feels the prikly feeling and i was like eww...

anyways TTYL,


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